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ライフサイクル API

During the build, plugins are loaded in parallel to fetch their own contents and render them to routes. Plugins may also configure webpack or post-process the generated files.

async loadContent()

Plugins should use this lifecycle to fetch from data sources (filesystem, remote API, headless CMS, etc.) or do some server processing. The return value is the content it needs.

For example, this plugin below returns a random integer between 1 and 10 as content.

export default function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'docusaurus-plugin',
async loadContent() {
return 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);

async contentLoaded({content, actions})

The data that was loaded in loadContent will be consumed in contentLoaded. It can be rendered to routes, registered as global data, etc.


contentLoaded will be called after loadContent is done. The return value of loadContent() will be passed to contentLoaded as content.


actions contain three functions:

addRoute(config: RouteConfig): void

Create a route to add to the website.

export type RouteConfig = {
* With leading slash. Trailing slash will be normalized by config.
path: string;
* Component used to render this route, a path that the bundler can `require`.
component: string;
* Props. Each entry should be `[propName]: pathToPropModule` (created with
* `createData`)
modules?: RouteModules;
* The route context will wrap the `component`. Use `useRouteContext` to
* retrieve what's declared here. Note that all custom route context declared
* here will be namespaced under {@link}.
context?: RouteModules;
* Nested routes config, useful for "layout routes" having subroutes.
routes?: RouteConfig[];
* React router config option: `exact` routes would not match subroutes.
exact?: boolean;
* React router config option: `strict` routes are sensitive to the presence
* of a trailing slash.
strict?: boolean;
* Used to sort routes.
* Higher-priority routes will be matched first.
priority?: number;
* Optional route metadata
metadata?: RouteMetadata;
* Extra props; will be available on the client side.
[propName: string]: unknown;

* Plugin authors can assign extra metadata to the created routes
* It is only available on the Node.js side, and not sent to the browser
* Optional: plugin authors are encouraged but not required to provide it
* Some plugins might use this data to provide additional features.
* This is the case of the sitemap plugin to provide support for "lastmod".
* See also:
export type RouteMetadata = {
* The source code file path that led to the creation of the current route
* In official content plugins, this is usually a Markdown or React file
* This path is expected to be relative to the site directory
sourceFilePath?: string;
* The last updated date of this route
* This is generally read from the Git history of the sourceFilePath
* but can also be provided through other means (usually front matter)
* This has notably been introduced for adding "lastmod" support to the
* sitemap plugin, see
lastUpdatedAt?: number;

type RouteModules = {
[module: string]: Module | RouteModules | RouteModules[];

type Module =
| {
path: string;
__import?: boolean;
query?: ParsedUrlQueryInput;
| string;

createData(name: string, data: any): Promise<string>

A declarative callback to create static data (generally JSON or string) which can later be provided to your routes as props. Takes the file name and data to be stored, and returns the actual data file's path.

For example, this plugin below creates a /friends page which displays Your friends are: Yangshun, Sebastien:

import React from 'react';

export default function FriendsComponent({friends}) {
return <div>Your friends are {friends.join(',')}</div>;
export default function friendsPlugin(context, options) {
return {
name: 'docusaurus-friends-plugin',
async contentLoaded({content, actions}) {
const {createData, addRoute} = actions;
// Create friends.json
const friends = ['Yangshun', 'Sebastien'];
const friendsJsonPath = await createData(

// Add the '/friends' routes, and ensure it receives the friends props
path: '/friends',
component: '@site/src/components/Friends.js',
modules: {
// propName -> JSON file path
friends: friendsJsonPath,
exact: true,

setGlobalData(data: any): void

This function permits one to create some global plugin data that can be read from any page, including the pages created by other plugins, and your theme layout.

This data becomes accessible to your client-side/theme code through the useGlobalData and usePluginData hooks.


Global data is... global: its size affects the loading time of all pages of your site, so try to keep it small. Prefer createData and page-specific data whenever possible.

For example, this plugin below creates a /friends page which displays Your friends are: Yangshun, Sebastien:

import React from 'react';
import {usePluginData} from '@docusaurus/useGlobalData';

export default function FriendsComponent() {
const {friends} = usePluginData('docusaurus-friends-plugin');
return <div>Your friends are {friends.join(',')}</div>;
export default function friendsPlugin(context, options) {
return {
name: 'docusaurus-friends-plugin',
async contentLoaded({content, actions}) {
const {setGlobalData, addRoute} = actions;
// Create friends global data
setGlobalData({friends: ['Yangshun', 'Sebastien']});

// Add the '/friends' routes
path: '/friends',
component: '@site/src/components/Friends.js',
exact: true,

configureWebpack(config, isServer, utils, content)

内部の webpack の設定を変更できます。 返り値が JavaScript オブジェクトであれば、webpack-merge を用いることで最終的な設定にマージされます。 If it is a function, it will be called and receive config as the first argument and an isServer flag as the second argument.


The API of configureWebpack will be modified in the future to accept an object (configureWebpack({config, isServer, utils, content}))


configureWebpack は、クライアント/サーバのビルドに応じて生成された config で呼び出されます。 これは、マージする際のベースとなる設定として扱われることができます。


configureWebpack はサーバとクライアントの両方のビルド時に呼び出されます。 isServer は、サーバービルドにおいては true を、クライアントビルドにおいては false を受け取ります。


configureWebpack also receives an util object:

  • getStyleLoaders(isServer: boolean, cssOptions: {[key: string]: any}): Loader[]
  • getJSLoader(isServer: boolean, cacheOptions?: {}): Loader | null

You may use them to return your webpack configuration conditionally.

For example, this plugin below modify the webpack config to transpile .foo files.

export default function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'custom-docusaurus-plugin',
configureWebpack(config, isServer, utils) {
const {getJSLoader} = utils;
return {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.foo$/,
use: [getJSLoader(isServer), 'my-custom-webpack-loader'],


configureWebpack will be called both with the content loaded by the plugin.


プラグインにおける Webpack 設定の一部を webpack-merge を使ってグローバルな Webpack 設定とマージします。

すなわち、マージ方針を指定することができます。 例えば、webpack の rule を appended ではなく prepended にしたい場合は以下のようになります:

export default function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'custom-docusaurus-plugin',
configureWebpack(config, isServer, utils) {
return {
mergeStrategy: {'module.rules': 'prepend'},
module: {rules: [myRuleToPrepend]},

詳細については、 webpack-merge strategy doc を参照してください。

Configuring dev server

The dev server can be configured through returning a devServer field.

export default function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'custom-docusaurus-plugin',
configureWebpack(config, isServer, utils) {
return {
devServer: {
open: '/docs', // Opens localhost:3000/docs instead of localhost:3000/


Modifies postcssOptions of postcss-loader during the generation of the client bundle.

Should return the mutated postcssOptions.

By default, postcssOptions looks like this:

const postcssOptions = {
ident: 'postcss',
plugins: [require('autoprefixer')],


export default function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'docusaurus-plugin',
configurePostCss(postcssOptions) {
// Appends new PostCSS plugin.
return postcssOptions;


Called when a (production) build finishes.

interface Props {
siteDir: string;
generatedFilesDir: string;
siteConfig: DocusaurusConfig;
outDir: string;
baseUrl: string;
headTags: string;
preBodyTags: string;
postBodyTags: string;
routesPaths: string[];
plugins: Plugin<any>[];
content: Content;


export default function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'docusaurus-plugin',
async postBuild({siteConfig = {}, routesPaths = [], outDir}) {
// Print out to console all the rendered routes. => {


Inject head and/or body HTML tags to Docusaurus generated HTML.

injectHtmlTags will be called both with the content loaded by the plugin.

function injectHtmlTags(): {
headTags?: HtmlTags;
preBodyTags?: HtmlTags;
postBodyTags?: HtmlTags;

type HtmlTags = string | HtmlTagObject | (string | HtmlTagObject)[];

type HtmlTagObject = {
* Attributes of the HTML tag
* E.g. `{'disabled': true, 'value': 'demo', 'rel': 'preconnect'}`
attributes?: {
[attributeName: string]: string | boolean;
* The tag name e.g. `div`, `script`, `link`, `meta`
tagName: string;
* The inner HTML
innerHTML?: string;


export default function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'docusaurus-plugin',
loadContent: async () => {
return {remoteHeadTags: await fetchHeadTagsFromAPI()};
injectHtmlTags({content}) {
return {
headTags: [
tagName: 'link',
attributes: {
rel: 'preconnect',
href: '',
preBodyTags: [
tagName: 'script',
attributes: {
charset: 'utf-8',
src: '/noflash.js',
postBodyTags: [`<div> This is post body </div>`],

Tags will be added as follows:

  • headTags will be inserted before the closing </head> tag after scripts added by config.
  • preBodyTags will be inserted after the opening <body> tag before any child elements.
  • postBodyTags will be inserted before the closing </body> tag after all child elements.


Returns an array of paths to the client modules that are to be imported into the client bundle.

As an example, to make your theme load a customCss or customJs file path from options passed in by the user:

export default function (context, options) {
const {customCss, customJs} = options || {};
return {
name: 'name-of-my-theme',
getClientModules() {
return [customCss, customJs];