Docusaurus の開発チームは、コア機能、クラシックテーマ用のプラグイン、および Docusaurus のドキュメントサイトの作成に取り組んでいます。
Sida Chen
Student from Shanghai, China. Enthusiastic open-source project creator, but never actually works hard on those projects he created.
Clément Couriol
Student from CPE Lyon, France. Passionate web developer who tries to become an expert web developer.
Honorary Alumni
今日の Docusaurus があるのは、Docusaurus をより大きく素晴らしいものへと飛躍させたメンバーによる多大な貢献のおかげです。
Joel Marcey
Docusaurus founder and now ever grateful Docusaurus cheerleader to those who actually write code for it.
Alexey Pyltsyn
Obsessed open-source enthusiast 👋 Eternal amateur at everything 🤷♂️ Maintainer of Russian docs on PHP, React, Kubernetes and much more 🧐
Yangshun Tay
Full Front End Stack developer who likes working on the Jamstack. Working on Docusaurus made him Facebook's unofficial part-time Open Source webmaster, which is an awesome role to be in.
Endilie Yacop Sucipto
Maintainer @docusaurus · 🔥🔥🔥
Wei Gao
🏻🌾 Work in progress React developer, maintains Docusaurus, writes docs and spams this world with many websites.
Student Fellows
学生もまた、学期中もしくはインターンシップや Major League Hacking Fellowship プログラム の一環として Docusaurus の開発に取り組んでくれました。彼らはプラグインオプションの検証、マイグレーションツールの作成、Bootstrap テーマの作成など、素晴らしい機能の開発に貢献しています。
Anshul Goyal
Fullstack developer who loves to code and try new technologies. In his free time, he contributes to open source, writes blog posts on his Web サイト and watches Anime.
Drew Alexander
Developer and Creative, trying to gain the skills to build whatever he can think of.
Fanny Vieira
Fanny got started with web development in high school, building a project for the school kitchen. In her free time she loves contributing to Open Source, occasionally writing on her blog about her experiences, cooking, and creating Spotifyプレイリスト.
Sam Zhou
Sam started programming in 2011 and built his Web サイト in 2015. He is interested in programming languages, dev infra and web development, and has built his own プログラミング言語 and mini React.
Tan Teik Jun
Open-source enthusiast who aims to become as awesome as the other humans on this page. Working on Docusaurus brought him closer to his goal. 🌱
Nisarag Bhatt
Fullstack web developer who loves learning new technologies and applying them! Loves contributing to open source as well as writing content articles and tutorials.
Docusaurusは、もともとJoel Marceyによって作成されました。 現在では、数百人に上るオープンソースのコントリビュータが Docusaurus の開発に貢献しています。 この場を借りて、過去に Docusaurus とそのドキュメントに多大な貢献を行い、長年にわたってメンテナンスを支援してきた方々に敬意を評したいと思います: