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サイトをDocusaurus v3に移行するための準備

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Sébastien Lorber
Docusaurusメンテナ・This Week In React編集者

This blog post was written when Docusaurus v3 was in beta. There are some changes in dependency versions and upgrade steps you should be aware of if upgrading to Docusaurus v3 current stable releases. Use the upgrade guide for the most up-to-date migration steps.

Docusaurus v3 is now in beta and the official release is around the corner. This is the perfect time to start preparing your site for this new major version.

Docusaurus v3 comes with a few breaking changes, many of which can be handled today under Docusaurus v2. Preparing your site ahead of time can be done incrementally, and will make it easier to upgrade to v3.

主な変更点は、MDX v1からMDX v3へのアップグレードです。 詳細は、MDX v2及びMDX v3のリリースノートを読んでください。 MDX will now compile your Markdown content more strictly and with subtle differences.

This article will mostly focus on how to prepare your content for this new MDX version, and will also list a few other breaking changes that you can handle today.

Preparing your site for Docusaurus v3 - social card